Diseases that affect the rabbit
The rabbit is great for those who have little space and want a cute company; see how to take care of it. The rabbit is usually that pet adopted by people who are looking for a cute little companion. When one has little space at home to shelter an animal it can be a good choice – after all there is always a little corner to shelter it and its cage.
But after you already have a rabbit at home, it is necessary to have a lot of care and learn how to raise it in the best way. This avoids health problems and complications between tutor and pet. But it is also important to know which are the main diseases which affect this animal, how to prevent them and which are the possible treatments.
The conjunctivitis affects the rabbits which are still puppies most of the time and this inflammation in the eyes leaves them well swollen and almost closed. In addition,they are filled with a yellow and serous liquid,as if it were a continuous remel; as it drains,it hardens quickly and gets stuck to the skin. The infection ends up removing the brightness from the eyes, which little by little becomes opaque, characterizing the picture of keratitis.
Auricular scabies
This disease is caused by two parasites which stay inside the ear of the rabbit in a deep part of the skin. It is common among these animals because of the easy contagion.
The symptoms are: strong irritation inside the ear,inflammation and the formation of a thick,serous and yellowish secretion. Gradually it thickens and becomes a crust, sticking to the skin and completely closing the ear of the animal. When in an advanced stage, it presents pus, blood and bad smell. The natural reaction of the animal is to scratch the region with its paws constantly.
Proper treatment involves cleaning the ear. With the use of tweezers it is possible to remove the hardened parts of the secretion. In some cases kerosene is indicated to soften and facilitate the work, but only a veterinarian can recommend the best solution. There are pet sprays on the market, i.e. suitable to combat this problem – another product that should be consulted with a specialist.
Also called crooked neck, this complication is very common in rabbits and causes a total torsion of the head to one side only. It is as if the muscles are constantly contracted and the animal starts to have difficulty to walk, when trying to move it always starts to rotate in the same direction.
The causes can be linked both to the lack of vitamin B in the pet?s diet and to a consequence of auricular scabies. It is necessary to check with the veterinarian what may have caused it and what are the possible treatments.
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Coryza affects more the rabbits and can occur at any time of the year. It is characterized by an abundant secretion of the nose mucosa, odorless and aqueous, and constant sneezing. The animal does everything to scratch the region with its front legs.
It can be benign or infectious. The second, considered serious, appears more in cases of general infection or injury in the lungs. After two or three days, it causes lack of appetite, leaving the pet weakened, apathetic and with the hair shivering – unlike the first that usually only generates secretion.
If not treated in time, the problem may evolve into a watery discharge in the eyes and a thickening of the secretion of the nose, running the risk of obstructing the nostrils and asphyxiating the pet.
This disease is considered to be one of the serious ones for the rabbit. The symptoms involve progressive nasal discharge, congested and inflamed eyes and little by little tumors appear in the nose, on the lips and at the base of the ear; the head becomes well swollen.
After a certain time,the tumors spread in large quantities throughout the anus and genital region. These present a pinkish liquid when opened. It may present a rapid fever, lose weight and, if not careful, die between 4 and 8 days.
Hepatic Cocciosis
This health problem usually affects several rabbits at once. It affects preferably animals between 2 and 4 months; the adults who have the disease are more resistant and survive, but will always carry in their bodies the microbe of cocciose, eliminated in their feces. For this reason the contamination is quick and easy by means of water, food and even the same environment in which other rabbits live.
Hepatic Cocciosis
This health problem usually affects several rabbits at once. It affects preferably animals between 2 and 4 months; the adults who have the disease are more resistant and survive, but will always carry in their bodies the microbe of cocciose, eliminated in their feces. For this reason the contamination is quick and easy by means of water, food and even the same environment in which other rabbits live.
The diagnosis is given through laboratory tests and sick animals should be isolated from the rest. To avoid this complication the rabbits must be cleaned daily and disinfected, installed in dry and large places, without excessive humidity or heat – factors conducive to the development of microorganisms. There should be a screen at the bottom of the cage to separate the excrement from contact with the rabbit.